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Saturday, 16 June 2012

Electric Fan

                                                Electric Fan Electric Fan is a very important name to us. What fan run by electy called Electric Fan. Everyone knows about it. Now it is a most important thing to us. Now a day we know that Electric Fan is a very helpful thing for us. We can do relax in the hot days...

Friday, 15 June 2012


                                                       MOBILE PHONE Now it is a time of modern science. The science has invented many kinds of things. Mobile is one of them. Now every man...

Monday, 11 June 2012


                                           COMPUTER Science has discovered many wonders and Computer is one of them. Computer was not invented over night. It took long time and hard labour to invent Computer. First of all Pascal invented the theory of “Digital Calculating System” in 1642. Though...


                            TELEVISION Television is one of the greatest discoveries of modern science. On the basic of experiments made by Paul Nepkov Jon Bayard invented the Television in 1925. The word ‘Television’ comes from the Latin word ‘tele’ and ‘vision’. ‘Tele’ means distance and ‘vision’...