Television is one of the greatest discoveries of modern science. On the basic of experiments made by Paul Nepkov Jon
Bayard invented the Television in 1925. The word ‘Television’ comes
from the Latin word ‘tele’ and ‘vision’. ‘Tele’ means distance and ‘vision’ means to look. So the word Television
means seeing from distance.

Television is the most modern means by it we can see distance with high
quality video. We hear the speeches of the world
and we can see many interesting and knolazeabale.
It serves much more than a radio. It is like a stage where performers
are seen and heard. It gives us news on national
and international matters. When we interested
about any home and abroad then we can easily see that. Now it was a day
everyone known about Television all the people more or less known about
Television. When the people known about any danger coming then they went to
near Television, because they know if any denser come then Television must
publish it.
Television is a source of entertainment.
After many days’ and many hard works after we can
see a television and hears music and songs. We
enjoy drama, dance and many other things. We see the actors and actresses. We can look mane move. Now it is so nice, because we
can see the live telecast of many sports and shows. When any good shows are
running then we can the life telecast of it.
Television has a great education value.
It teaches the illiterate and students. We hear
and enjoy debates, lecture on various important
topics, discussions on scienceand illiterate. Now there are many
students known about their books and homework by T.V. It is not that T.V. is
only store of a things it is a big store of all things.

Now-a-days people need not go to stadium to enjoy a game. They sit before a Television
set and enjoy football, cricket, tennis and
other games and sports. Television
has made the world small. It has short time and
distance. People need not spend mucus money to
go abroad. We get familiar with the customs and
traditions, fashions and dresses and culture of
the people of different parts of and traditions,
fashions and dresses and culture of the people of different parts of the world
through the Television. It conveys social,
political, economic, cultural and religious news of home and abroad.
Television has some demerits also.
Sometimes students prefer enjoying Television
to study.
Young boys are fond of sitting before Televisions in place of playing in the field. Thus it hinders the growth of the young generation. Sometimes obscene films and almost naked dances are
shown in the Television which is very much
harmful. Television
is an important medium of mass communication. It plays an important role in our
day to day life. So Television programmers
should be carefully produced. But there are some
bad people, they publish naked programs. That programs look our young
generations go on bad rod. We should stopped them.

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